Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cannot wait until August!

August is going to be an eventful month. It's going to be a bit stressful, and a financial crunch but I seriously am tingling in my bones. I'm moving to SL in august, and so the whole apartment first and last months rent PLUS deposit thing sucks, but itll totally be worth it. I feel like Im making the move that all the provo people are making to NY. obviously Ny is no comparison to SL, but its def a step up from provo. I am so pumped. Provo blows a lot these days. Also I am starting this way chill job as well. Ill be able to just cruise on my bike down there. IT's close to tons of stores and shops downtown. So a big change in life is upcoming and Im so stoked on it.( i know i just sounded like talan from LB) Anyways, if anyone needs a place to crash ever......callllz me!

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